View our range of vegetarian dishes below.
千张卷香菜 Fresh Coriander wrapped in soft Tofu skin with a touch of peanut butter
大白菜 Chinese cabbage
杏包菇 butter oyster mushroom
玉米 sweetcorn
生菜 Lettuce for BBQ
茄子 brinjals
蔬菜串 vegetable skewer (to braai)
蔬菜拼盘 Vegetable platter (to braai)
蘆筍 asparagus
虾滑酿香菇Fresh Shitake with Prawn paste ( To Braai)
蟹味菇 butter shimeiji
豆干 dried beancurd
金针菇 butter enoki
锡纸白菜粉丝 Butter Rice noodles and cabbage
香菇 shiitake mushroom
鮑魚菇 king oyster mushroom
Fried Dumplings (Beef Or Chicken)
Fried Spring-Rolls (Chicken Or Vegetarian)
三文鱼&虾炒饭 Salmon & Prawn fried rice
三文鱼炒饭 Salmon fried rice
味增湯 miso soup
招牌沙拉 biru salad
海帶芽沙拉 seaweed salad
茶碗蒸 chawan mushi
虾炒饭 Prawns fried rice
蛋炒饭 Egg Fried Rice
辣白菜 Kimchi
飯 steamed rice